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Stranded Between World Tier 3 and 4 – Seeking Guidance

I’ve reached a point where I’m stuck between World Tier 3 and 4, and I wanted to share my experience. I realize that some might find this amusing, given that some players managed to defeat Elias even at levels below 60, but this is my personal progress.

After unlocking World Tier 4, I find myself at level 71. I recognize that others might chuckle at this, as they’ve conquered Elias at lower levels, but I’ve done my best to get here.

My entire gear collection comprises sacred legendary level 60 items. I’ve dedicated a substantial amount of time grinding in World Tier 3, ensuring each item reaches 700+ power with upgrades. Following a meta build guide, I’ve equipped the best aspects I could find. I believed my gear was quite commendable at this stage, considering how straightforward World Tier 3 has become. In fact, it might even be too easy. Even NM dungeons up to tier 20 pose little challenge. While I occasionally meet my demise due to careless engagement with area-of-effect explosions, these dungeons aren’t particularly daunting to complete. The bosses themselves prove to be less than formidable.

However, playing in tier 3 has become somewhat futile. Meaningful upgrades are increasingly scarce to come by. Leveling up in tier 3 is tediously slow, and I’ve begun to notice a peculiar trend—my character feels weaker with each new level achieved.

As a result, I ventured into World Tier 4. The contrast in difficulty is striking. It’s now overwhelmingly challenging, and the spike in monster damage is startling. Regular monsters have the potential to swiftly overwhelm and defeat me, and elites can eliminate me in a single shot. My health plummets from 100% to 0 within a second, often without a clear understanding of the cause. This disparity might stem from the fact that enemies are now a few levels higher than me.

The issue of open world lag only exacerbates matters. I’m cautious not to point fingers solely at lag, but I’m certain many can relate to this experience. This isn’t an isolated ordeal.

At the present moment, my perception is that my sole path to progression lies in acquiring ancestral gear, a task that proves difficult due to my susceptibility to swift defeat. If I’ve erred along the way, I’m unaware of where I went wrong. Am I alone in this situation? While Tier 3 presents minimal challenge, Tier 4 feels insurmountable. What can I do to extricate myself from this predicament?

I deeply appreciate everyone for their valuable tips and suggestions. As I reflect on my situation, I’m beginning to grasp the factors that led me here. I adhered to a guide, but I failed to pay heed to every aspect of it. Neglecting to scrutinize which stats and aspects suit each item slot, I unconsciously sidestepped numerous defensive options. Up until Tier 4, these defenses seemed superfluous. I participated in some Tier 3 dungeons to secure basic aspects for my codex, which made me feel incredibly powerful compared to the challenges of Tier 4. The disparity in monster damage between the tiers is vast. However, moving forward, I intend to be more meticulous about item stats and aspects, and I believe that after a few ancestral upgrades, I’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges of Tier 4.

What other good advice do you have about Diablo 4 WT3 or WT4? Do you need to buy Diablo 4 gold? Let us know: